Coupon Datafeed API

At Vouchertoday, we offer the cleanest and most accurate coupon code data feed. It's the same data feed we use here at Vouchertoday. Our API saves you endless hours of collecting affiliate network coupon feeds and numerous headaches cleaning the data from these networks. Our API adds thousands of offers and brands daily - it also has up-to-date brand metadata information and imagery. In a single API call, you can pull in thousands of coupons from over 25+ affiliate networks all at once. Our API is now the largest coupon code database in the world, meaning that we beat FMTC's feeds, and our offering is also a lot cheaper.

How do we do it?

Our crawler goes out every night and fetches the latest offers from thousands of brands. Our development then cleans and sorts the data using machine learning, meaning that brands are in the correct categories and offers and will belong to the correct brands and valid coupons. Once we've fetched the latest offers and merchants we then make these available via our API to everyone who has purchased the monthly subscription.

What's the price?

We offer our API endpoint for one affordable monthly fee of $150. This allows you to call our endpoint as many times as you'd like, but we do have a fair use policy to retain a fast response time for everyone.

Does your coupon API have documentation?

Yes, our coupon API is documented and fairly straightforward to use with most CMS's.

Why is your coupon API so cheap?

We keep our team lean, so that we don't push our overheads into the cost of the API. But - we may take longer to respond to all support requests, although we do try to keep responses to all tickets below 24 hours.

Want to start using our API? Get in touch with us today at the following email address ([email protected]) and we can set up custom billing and an API key for you.